Environnementalu encourages the population to invest in fish farming

Environnementalu invited, this Friday, July 14, the population of the Lubero territory (North Kivu) to invest in fish farming.

The leader of this citizen organization, Thanks Mughunda, made this appeal on the occasion of National Fish Day:

“We often encourage fish farming on land, so in the field, so that this provides the means that will allow you to do fish farming at home. If you want to raise food fish, you can even start with 50 and if you want to raise fish for marketing after harvest, you can raise up to 1000”.

He said that his structure supervises more than 120 fish farmers in the territories of Beni and Lubero (North Kivu).

Thanks Mughunda adds that: “We have a pelletizing machine that produces fish feed or feed. These fish give us sufficient income so that we are able to respond to food problems,” he continued.

He also explained that fish farming saves fishermen from searching for fish in rivers or lakes, where they are victims of attacks by armed groups who roam this region